Day 12: down 3.4
Is it a mistake to weigh myself daily? Should nearly every blog post be titled "Day x: down y"?
Probably "yes" and "no" respectively. But that's just the way I am. You should see my running log -- it's ridiculous. Distance down to 1/100 km (thanks to my GPS), and time down to 1/100 second.
Yesterday was just another day -- two doses of ELOO, mild appetite suppression. Same old, same old.
You suffer from the malady of being impressed by meaningless numbers. Just because the readout has a slew of numbers in front or behind the decimal point doesn't make them valid or useful--even for your GPS!
Scales for body weight measurement do not provide the accuracy (class III) or repeatability to make measurements beyond +/- 1 pound meaningful and even that number is suspect in a healthy robust adult. To prove it, simply weigh yourself periodically throughout the day and see how your weight fluctuates. Which one is your "true" weight? Is it the one measured upon rising? After you pee? After you run? Eat? Or drink 16 oz of fluid? (Yikes, a whole pound!)
You stated previously, you weigh around 200 lbs. A 1% deviation is 2 lbs and 5 lbs is less than 3%, which I would venture a guess, would be a normal daily fluctuation in your weight.
After reading all your posts, the best that can be said from the data is that it is trending down. But cheer up, time is on your side. A weight loss of 1 lb per month is 60 lbs over 5 years! And that is a lot for something so effortless. If this does pan out and withstands clinical scrutiny then we are witnessing a true revolution in weight control.
Best of luck to you.
You suffer from the malady of being impressed by meaningless numbers.
I'm with you on everything except for that. I agree, and I've written here on these pages, that the day-to-day numbers are relatively meaningless, and that the GPS numbers I record in my running log are a bit silly in their phony precision. But they are the numbers I have, so they are the numbers I record. I could round them off, but that's no more likely to be accurate.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for your comments.
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