Saturday, May 27, 2006

Day 22: down 8 lbs.

I'm averaging 0.4 lbs. loss per day for the first 20 days. (Wait -- isn't this day 21? Yes, but day 1 was when I began; day 2 was one day in, etc. I guess I should have started with day zero.)

That's a higher rate of loss than I hoped for. Don't get me wrong -- I like being down 8 lbs. in less than three weeks, but I actually hope that rate drops just a little, to, say, 0.25 a day. I think that would be more sustainable, and I think it would help my running. I don't think I'm eating quite enough to feel really strong during my training.

I may fiddle with my oil dosage after another week or so.


I was off by one on the "Day x" title for this and a few subsequent posts. Oops. I was thinking that I had started on a Sunday, not a Saturday. I leave the correction of the arithmetic in the above post as an exercise for the class.

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