Monday, May 22, 2006

Where's the science?

John Ford, MD, discusses the lack of scientific evidence supporting the SLD (via Instapundit.)

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At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the article:
My objection to Roberts is not that his ideas are implausible but that he should have subjected them to review by his peers before widely popularizing them..

Why? If it works for me, and it does, why do I care what a peer review thinks? Who appointed them the arbiters of what gets presented to the public? It's not like I'm spending a lot of money on special food or diet pills, and 4 to 6 tablespoons of olive oil isn't going to harm anyone.

I think a full blown clinical trial would be great but who would fund it? There's no money to be made from this "diet" so no one has any incentive to run a study.


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