Sunday, May 28, 2006

Day 23: down 7.8 lbs.

I have absolutely nothing to say about SLD today. Sorry. This may become the rule as time goes on.

Stephen M (Ethesis) has decided that enough is enough, when it comes to writing about Shangri-la on his own blog. He's still active on the forums, though.

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At 9:40 AM, Blogger Stephen said...

The diet just kind of starts rolling along, doesn't it. Because it works, there isn't that stage where everyone starts trying to compensate for the fact that it is failing.

BTW, you might want to sign up at:

and join the ecosytem. I've linked to your blog and appreciate your posts.


At 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I like watching your posts and hope you don't stop for a little while. I lost a lot the first 8 or 9 days on SLD, but have now held steady with no scale movement at all for 9 days. Every day it's the same number. (appetite still low, food intake still low)

With many, many pounds still to lose, I guess I take comfort in seeing YOUR scales go down, since mine are not!!

At 3:16 PM, Blogger J Weighty said...

Stephen - thanks for the links. tells me that you, Seth Roberts, and Technorati account for most of my 1,000+ page loads so far. Like everybody else, I write this for people to read, and thanks to you, more people have found it.

Anonymous - I'll at least post results most days, even if I don't have much to say.


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