Day 87: down 17.6 lbs
One man's experience on and off the Shangri-La Diet (mostly off...)
I check a number of SLD-related blogs most days, and was about to drop Shangri-La Diet Journey from the list, as it hadn't been updated in many weeks. Now I know why -- the journey has ended.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
My body fat is holding steady at 26%. Today will make 26 out of the last 27 days I've run.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
My official weigh-in was 183.8; after my morning run, I was 181.4, which would be down 17 lbs. But a lot of that is just sweat, so I won't count it.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
Wednesday and Thursday I was in Chicago for work. We also went to Wrigley for the Cubs-Astros game (Clemens vs. Maddux!), which meant beer, a hot dog, beer, cheese fries, beer, some buffalo wings after the game, and beer. Not an ideal diet, to say the least. I also missed my run for the first time in about three weeks.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
No weigh-in tomorrow, and probably no blogging. I'm traveling for two days. I hope I can get in a run each day, though.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
I'm starting day 4 of my post-SLD experiment. I haven't noticed any change in appetite, and my weight is still trending downward. Early days, though.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
SD Blogger reports going off of the diet and gaining weight.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
My weight continues to drop. I'm at a new low at 183.8. I had to extend the y-axis on the weight chart on my tracking spreadsheet, and re-factor the numbers for the sparkline graph for these pages. Am I risking it all by going off of SLD?
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
This will be my last day on SLD for at least a week. I'm down a couple of pounds in the last two days, and at 184.6 lbs. I've just matched the low I hit last Saturday. My seven-day moving average is on a nice downward slope, approaching 185 lbs. I don't have records going back that far, but I think the last time I was under 185 was about 1994.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
I'm in my tenth week. I'm going to take next week off, with no flavorless calories. I'm curious to see what happens with my appetite. I'll be travelling for part of the week, so I was probably going to have poor compliance anyway.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
As I wrote Saturday, my SLD compliance hasn't been very good. I'm on 1 tbsp. canola oil, twice daily. I took last Thursday's first dose, then didn't get any until Monday morning. I didn't notice any change in my appetite, and my weight was down a little.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
My weight may not be at a low, but my three-day moving average weight is: 185.3 lbs.
Well, that new low didn't last long. That extra burger I ate last night when I wasn't really hungry and those two beers I had when an old friend dropped by later must've done me in.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
Having dropped 2.6 lbs. in two days, I'm at a new SLD low weight: 184.6. My scale tells me my body fat is back up to 27%. This is similar to what happened about two weeks in -- a few days where my weight went one way while the fat numbers went the other. I'm guessing it's water weight, which tends to increase the fat estimate the scale makes via bioelectrical impedance.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
I'm in another weight plateau, with my three-day average staying in a 1.1 lb. range for 14 days. My scale says my body fat has dropped, though, reading 26% the last two days and 25% the day before. It's dropped to 26% several times before, but never for more than one day. I wonder if the weight training is starting to work a little.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
I've now on day 8 of my new run every day routine. I looked back over my running log, which goes back four years, and I've run five or six days in a row numerous times, and seven days in a row once, but never eight until now. I've reduced my average run, so as to maintain about the same weekly mileage, at least for a while. As I've said, nine years ago I ran virtually every day for 60 days.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
My scale said 25% body fat this morning, which I think is the lowest I've seen in the 3 1/2 years I've had it. I suspect it's a one-day anomaly. It was 27% yesterday, as it was for most days for over a month. A handful of times since I started SLD it's read 26%.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
That puts my average loss at 1 lb. every five days. More than half of it came in the first 18 days.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
Via this post in the Seth Roberts forums I came across another set-point-based weight loss method. Survival of the Thinnest is a book by David Hariton published in 2004 that says 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, every day, will lower your "lipostat" which is apparently the same thing as the "set point" described in the SLD book. And like SLD, it has a genetic component to the theory.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet
I'm back on track with my exercise, with good runs each of the last three days and some weight training, too.
tags: diet, weight loss, Shangri-la Diet